Church of Christ
Our Team
William Tjoa
Lead Servant-Shepherd (English)
After 25 years in the professional and corporate world as a chartered accountant with companies like Dymocks, Starbucks and Compass Group, God supernaturally called me to serve as a spiritual mentor and coach to the second gener-Asians, discipling them to disciple next gen ABCs through the transitions of life. With Lay Huan and City to City Australia’s training and support we planted a church of Uni and high school students in Chatswood in 2015 with the God-sized DNA of making disciples who make disciples, that plant churches that plant churches, that transform lives, renew cities and heal the world. God continues to surprise us as He expands our ministry by joining Chatswood Church of Christ to train and equip the next generations. We both have a passion for travel to experience God’s natural and man-made creations, photography and food.
Daisy Li
Lead Servant-Shepherd (Mandarin)
我2014年来到澳大利亚,之前在中国从事工程设计。 2022年毕业于Morling College的圣工学副学士学位。现于澳洲华人教牧神学院 Chinese Theological College Australia 攻读圣工学学士学位。我和丈夫育有一女,她正在悉尼大学读书。我的爱好是读书和徒步。 I arrived in Australia in 2014. I was working as an Engineer when I was in China. I graduated with an Associate Degree of Ministry from Morling College in 2022 and am now studying a Bachelor of Ministry at Chinese Theological College Australia. I have a family. My daughter is studying at The University of Sydney. My hobbies are reading and bush walking. 我于2014年加入Chatswood Church of Christ,这是我来到澳大利亚后的第一个教会。2015年开始参与英文堂及普通话事工的服事。2021年蒙神呼召,并于2022年作为传道人服事中文堂。 I joined Chatswood Church of Christ in 2014 and this is my first church in Australia. I have been involved in the English and PTH ministries since 2015. I was called by God in 2021 and am serving in the PTH Ministry as a student pastor since 2022.
Joshua Tsai
Daniel Yu
Rebecca Dong
Andrew Gu
Ministry Coordinator
Karlon Tse
Ministry Coordinator/Music
Lee Lim
Ministry Coordinator/Property Security & IT